Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring activities start - wiring and new growth

The 3 year trees were wired up after the winter has passed more or less. The rising sap in the branches has made them more flexible and since the buds on the 3 year trees have not emerged quite yet now is a good time to wire them up without inflicting too much damage. I lost a branch or 2 along the way. Those branches were either a little too small or still too brittle to work with.

I removed the 4 mil sheeting over the seeds that were sown in the fall. I took one of the cold frames that were covering the large plants and moved it over top of the future seedlings so that they have space to grow unimpeded by the sheeting when the start to emerge in the next few weeks. Lets hope that is the case, eh?

The other shots are of the 2 year plants starting to have their buds emerge. I love spring.

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